Embark on a charming journey alongside Little Bear, a brave Little Bear who ventures through a fantasy world in search of honey for his family. Explore magical forests facing various types of challenges.
Save time and skip the grind in Little Bear (Windows) by allowing us to unlock achievements for you! The “Base Game” bundle includes all achievements that came out with the game at launch. The “DLC” bundles include all achievements within that specific DLC update or pack.
Embark on a charming journey alongside Little Bear, a brave Little Bear who ventures through a fantasy world in search of honey for his family. Explore magical forests facing various types of challenges.
Platform | Windows (Windows 10+) |
Developer | Old School Vibes |
Publisher | Old School Vibes |
Rarity | Very Common |
Time | 0-0.5h |
Genre | Platformer |
ReleaseYear | 2024 |